
Odoo eLearning management software 

Odoo's Learning Software helps businesses train and upskill their employees. It provides a platform where employees can access various courses and training materials. The software makes learning interactive and engaging through features like quizzes, videos, and real-time feedback.

The LMS learning management system allows managers to track each employee's progress and performance. This helps identify any skill gaps and areas where more training may be needed so they can provide targeted learning opportunities.

The Learning management Software integrates with other Odoo modules. We are Allowing it to work within the company's existing systems and processes. It's customizable, too, with interfaces that can be tailored to suit the organization's specific needs.

Important Features Of Odoo Learning

Course Kanban

Odoo's eLearning courses Kanban view provides an intuitive interface for managing and organizing courses efficiently. It allows users to easily visualize and interact with various course elements.

Course Status

You can view courses and their published or unpublished status on the Kanban board. This enables quick updates and ensures that only relevant content is accessible to learners..

Multiple Courses

Display multiple courses in one place, providing an overview of all available courses and simplifying the management process for administrators.

Course Statistics

You can access key statistics such as course duration and watch count on the side of each course card, offering insights into learner engagement and course popularity.


Utilize the drag-and-drop feature to easily rearrange courses and manage their order, allowing for flexible organization and prioritization based on business needs.

Course Content

Manage and organize the content of each course, including videos, documents, quizzes, and assignments, ensuring a structured and engaging learning experience for attendees.

Add Attendees

Easily add attendees to courses, allowing administrators to enrol participants and manage their access to course materials with just a few clicks.

Invite Attendees

Send invitations to potential attendees directly from the course interface, streamlining the process of expanding course reach and increasing enrollment.

View Attendees

You can view a list of attendees for each course. This provides insights into participant engagement and enables efficient management of learner interactions and progress tracking.

Elearning Course

Odoo's eLearning course interface offers a comprehensive set of features for managing online educational content and participant interactions. It simplifies the process of course creation, attendee management, and engagement tracking.


Odoo's eLearning forum module provides a collaborative platform for learners to discuss course content, ask questions, and share knowledge. It enhances the learning experience by fostering community engagement and interaction.

Create Discussion Threads

Easily create and manage discussion threads on various topics, allowing learners to engage in meaningful conversations and seek clarifications on course-related issues.

Moderate Discussions

 Assign moderators to oversee forum activities. Discussions should remain productive, respectful, and aligned with the course objectives.

Search and Filter

Use search and filter functionalities to find relevant discussions, posts, or comments, enhancing the user experience and helping learners locate specific information.

Real-Time Notifications

Enable real-time notifications for new posts, replies, or mentions, keeping participants informed and engaged with ongoing discussions in the forum.

Multimedia Integration

Incorporate various types of multimedia content, including videos, audio files, and interactive elements, to create a rich and engaging learning environment.

Structured Modules

Organize content into structured modules and lessons, allowing learners to follow a clear and logical progression through the material.

Content Updates

Easily update and modify course content as needed, ensuring that learners always have access to the most current and relevant information.

Quizzes and Assessments

Include quizzes and assessments within the content to evaluate learner comprehension and provide immediate feedback, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Elearning Content

Odoo's eLearning content module offers a robust platform for creating, organizing, and delivering educational materials. It provides the tools necessary to craft engaging and effective learning experiences for participants.

Elearning Dashboard

Odoo's eLearning dashboard offers a centralized view of key metrics and performance indicators, helping administrators manage courses and monitor learner progress effectively. It provides actionable insights to enhance the educational experience

Course Performance

You can view detailed metrics on course performance, including enrollment numbers, completion rates, and learner feedback, which help you assess each course's effectiveness.

Learner Progress

Track individual learner progress through courses, identifying areas where learners excel or may need more support, enabling targeted interventions.

Engagement Statistics

Access statistics on learner engagement, such as time spent on courses and participation in discussions, to understand how learners are interacting with the content.

Customizable Reports

Generate customizable reports to analyze various aspects of eLearning performance, supporting data-driven decisions to improve course content and delivery methods.

Talk To Our Best Odoo Expert

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Odoo Learning Software is a training platform designed to help businesses train and upskill their employees through interactive and customizable courses.

The software streamlines the training process. We offer various learning modules, quizzes, and videos, saving time and resources while ensuring effective learning.

Yes, managers can check employee progress and performance. They are Identifying areas where more training is needed.

It includes quizzes, videos, and feedback to keep employees engaged and motivated.

The platform allows managers to track progress and performance. They are highlighting areas where employees need more training.

Odoo Learning Software offers customizable options to fit specific business needs and training requirements.

It integrates with other Odoo modules. It ensures a smooth operation within the company's existing ecosystem.

Yes, it features an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. I am Making it accessible for all employees.

Providing ongoing access to training and upskilling opportunities ensures that employees have skills and knowledge.

The software improves employee capabilities, increasing productivity and organizational success.

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