Compute and Onchange Methods in Odoo

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Key Compute and Onchange Methods in Odoo 

In Odoo, methods play a crucial role in the functionality of modules. Among these methods, the compute and onchange methods stand out for their specific use cases. And their impact on data management and user experience. This blog aims to delve into the intricacies of these methods, illustrating their applications, differences, and benefits within the Odoo ecosystem.

Understanding Compute Methods  

What is a Compute Method? 

A compute method in Odoo is a function that calculates the value of a field based on other fields' values. These methods are instrumental when the value of a field is dependent on the values of different fields, and the data is always up-to-date and consistent. 

Defining Computer Methods 

To define a compute method, you use the @api.depends decorator to specify the fields on which the computation depends. This ensures that the compute method is triggered whenever any dependent fields change. 



From odoo import models, fields, API
class ExampleModel(models. Model):
_name = 'example.model'
field1 = fields.Float(string="Field 1")
field2 = fields.Float(string="Field 2")
total = fields.Float(string="Total", compute='_compute_total')
@api.depends('field1', 'field2')
def _compute_total(self):
for record in self:
  = record.field1 + record.field2

In this example, the total field is computed based on the values of field one and field 2. The @api.depends decorator ensures that computetotal is called whenever field1 or field2 changes.

Benefits of Compute Methods

Automatic Updates: Compute methods update the value whenever dependent fields change, ensuring data consistency.

Reduced Redundancy: By computing values. You lessen the need for redundant storage of derived data.

Enhanced Performance: Only fields that change trigger the compute method, optimizing performance.

Use Cases for Compute Methods

Compute methods are ideal for scenarios where the value of a field is derived from other fields. Everyday use cases include:

I am calculating totals or aggregates.

I am deriving dates or periods.

We are generating dynamic text or descriptions.

Exploring Onchange Methods

What is an Onchange Method?

An on-change method in Odoo is used to perform specific actions when the value of a field changes in the user interface. Unlike compute methods, which update field values in the database, on-change methods are triggered in the form view and can be used to update other fields or provide immediate feedback to the user.

Defining Onchange Methods 

To define an on-change method, you use the @api.onchange decorator to specify the field(s) triggering the method when its value changes.


from odoo import models, fields, API
class ExampleModel(models. Model):
_name = 'example.model'
field1 = fields.Float(string="Field 1")
field2 = fields.Float(string="Field 2")
total = fields.Float(string="Total")
@api.on change('field1', 'field2')
def onchange_total(self): = self.field1 + self.field2

In this example, the total field is updated whenever field1 or field2 changes in the form view. The @api.onchange decorator ensures that onchange total is triggered on these changes.

Benefits of Onchange Methods

Immediate Feedback: Onchange methods provide instant feedback to the user in the form view, enhancing the user experience.

Form Logic: They allow the implementation of complex form logic without affecting the database directly.

Interactive Forms: Onchange methods enable dynamic and interactive forms, adapting to user inputs in real time.

Use Cases for Onchange Methods

Onchange methods suit scenarios where user interaction requires immediate feedback or additional logic. Everyday use cases include:

I am updating related fields based on user input.

It validates input and provides warnings or errors.

It fills fields based on selections.

Comparing Compute and Onchange Methods

Key Differences

While both compute and on-change methods are used to manage field values, their fundamental differences lie in their execution and application:

Execution Context: Compute methods are triggered in the backend whenever dependent fields change, affecting the database. Onchange methods are triggered in the form view. They are affecting the UI without direct database changes.

Use Case: Compute methods are ideal for calculations and data consistency in the backend. On change methods are best for dynamic form behavior and user interactions.

Choosing Between Compute and Onchange 

The choice between compute and change methods depends on the specific requirements of your module:

Use Compute Methods when you need automatic backend calculations that ensure data consistency.

Use Onchange Methods when you need immediate feedback or dynamic form behavior based on user input.

Implementing Compute and Onchange Methods: A Practical Example


Consider a scenario where we manage a sales order in Odoo. We want to calculate the total amount for each line and the total. Additionally, we want to update the tax amount immediately when the product changes.

Implementing Computer Methods for Order Totals 



from odoo import models, fields, API
class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
_name = 'sale.order.line'
product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', string="Product")
quantity = fields.Integer(string="Quantity")
price_unit = fields.Float(string="Unit Price")
subtotal = fields.Float(string="Subtotal", compute='_compute_subtotal')
@api.depends('quantity', 'price_unit')
def compute subtotal(self):
for line in self:
line.subtotal = line.quantity * line.price_unit
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
_name = 'sale.order'
order_line_ids = fields.One2many('sale.order.line', 'order_id', string="Order Lines")
amount_total = fields.Float(string="Total Amount", compute='_compute_amount_total')
def computeamount_total(self):
for order in self:
order.amount_total = sum(line.subtotal for line in order.order_line_ids)

Implementing Onchange Methods for Tax Calculation

Example :


From odoo import models, fields, API
Class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order.line'  
tax_id = fields.Many2one('', string="Tax")
tax_amount = fields.Float(string="Tax Amount")
def onchangeproduct_id(self):
if self.product_id:
self.price_unit = self.product_id.list_price
           self.tax_id = self.product_id.taxes_id
@api.on change('tax_id,' 'subtotal')
def onchangetax(self):
if self.tax_id:
           self.tax_amount = self.subtotal * (self.tax_id.amount / 100)
           self.tax_amount = 0.0

In this example, compute methods are used to dynamically calculate the subtotal for each order line and the amount total for the entire order. Onchange methods are used to update the price unit and taxied when the product changes and to calculate the tax amount when the tax or subtotal changes.

Best Practices for Using Compute and Onchange Methods 

Best Practices for Compute Methods

Optimize Dependencies: Use the @api.depends decorator to include only the necessary fields. This minimizes unnecessary recomputation.

Avoid Heavy Computations: Keep compute methods lightweight to avoid performance issues, mainly when triggered frequently.

Test Thoroughly: Ensure that compute methods work correctly in all scenarios, including record creation, updates, and deletions.

Best Practices for Onchange Methods 

Minimal Field Changes: Limit the number of fields updated by on-change methods to avoid excessive form reloads.

User Feedback: Provide explicit feedback when change methods trigger warnings or errors.

Form Logic: Use on-change methods for form-specific logic to enhance the user experience without affecting backend data integrity.


Both compute, and on-change methods are powerful tools in Odoo. Each serves a distinct purpose in managing field values and user interactions by understanding their differences and applications. Developers can leverage these methods to build robust Odoo modules. Whether you're ensuring data consistency with compute methods or creating dynamic forms with onchange methods. Mastering these techniques is for any Odoo developer. 

Odoo DEV July 17, 2024
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