How to create chatter with schedule activity in odoo ?

How to create chatter with schedule activity in odoo ?

  • if we want to add sent messages , log note , activities in the form view of the model then we have to create chatter. 
  • First we have to add the mail module in the dependent key in the manifest file of the module. Like below,

'depends': ['mail']

  •  now inherit the model in the model in which we want to add chatter. 

Like below,


_inherit  =   ['','mail.activity.mixin']

  • Now we have to write below things in the xml file of the model , in which we want to add chatter. 
  • This thing we have to add after the sheet tag.


<div class="oe_chatter">

                    <field name="message_follower_ids" widget="mail_followers"/>

                    <field name="activity_ids" widget="mail_activity"/>

                    <field name="message_ids" widget="mail_thread"/>


  • so by this code , chatter is added in the form view of the model.
  • If we want to create activity and want to show that activity then we have to create the activity view.Activity view is created the same as the tree view and form view. Then we have to add activity in the action record.



<activity string="Activity view">


                    <div t-name="activity-box">


                            <field name="name"/>





Tracking of records in the chatter

if we want to show an update message and create a message in the chatter then we have to add a tracking attribute in the field. 


name = fields.Char(string=“Restaurant name”,tracking=1)

  • we can write 1 or True in the tracking. 
  • We have to write this tracking attribute in the field in which we want to track record

In conclusion, at DevIntellecs, integrating chatter with scheduled activities in Odoo takes your communication and task management to the next level. Adding activities to the chatter allows you to track tasks and stay on top of deadlines, and no important actions slip through the cracks. This blend of real-time messaging and activity scheduling keeps workflows running smoothly and team collaboration and helps everyone stay organized, making your Odoo experience more efficient and effective.

Odoo DEV February 1, 2024
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Inheritance with different method in odoo