How to create chatter with schedule activity in odoo ?

How to create chatter with schedule activity in odoo ?

  • if we want to add sent messages , log note , activities in the form view of the model then we have to create chatter. 
  • First we have to add the mail module in the dependent key in the manifest file of the module. Like below,

'depends': ['mail']

  •  now inherit the model in the model in which we want to add chatter. 

​Like below,


_inherit  =   ['','mail.activity.mixin']

  • Now we have to write below things in the xml file of the model , in which we want to add chatter. 
  • This thing we have to add after the sheet tag.


<div class="oe_chatter">

                    <field name="message_follower_ids" widget="mail_followers"/>

                    <field name="activity_ids" widget="mail_activity"/>

                    <field name="message_ids" widget="mail_thread"/>


  • so by this code , chatter is added in the form view of the model.
  • If we want to create activity and want to show that activity then we have to create the activity view.

​Activity view is created the same as the tree view and form view. Then we have to add activity in the action record.



<activity string="Activity view">


                    <div t-name="activity-box">


                            <field name="name"/>





Tracking of records in the chatter

if we want to show an update message and create a message in the chatter then we have to add a tracking attribute in the field. 



name = fields.Char(string=“Restaurant name”,tracking=1)

  • we can write 1 or True in the tracking. 
  • We have to write this tracking attribute in the field in which we want to track record.
Administrator February 1, 2024
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