How to create sequence number in odoo ?

How to create sequence number in odoo ?

    The creation of Sequence numbers is a very simple process. We can identify each record using its sequence number, which will be unique for each record.

    Sequence number means unique identity. It generated a unique number.

    When you write any number then automatically generate the number and above display this number .

    Enter any number before you can see DEFAULT in place of number.

    But when you enter that time new is replaced with the enter number.


    ​you enter any name that displays 001.

​And second time display 002.

    ​And next time display 003.

    So, its call sequence.

    For this , first create one folder in your module and give it a name like Data folder.

    Create one xml file and give a name it , sequence_data.xml

    After this write below code into the xml file,

    Data (folder)

    .xml ( in file)


        <record id="sequence_restaurant_menu" model="ir.sequence">

              <field name="name">Restaurant Menu Order</field>

              <field name="code"></field>

              <field name="prefix">RM/%(year)s/</field>

              <field name="padding">4</field>



    Understanding syntax:

    1 ) <record id="sequence_restaurant_menu" model="ir.sequence">

    here give any name of id and write ir.sequence in the model

    2) <field name="code"></field>

    Here we can write any name into the code but to make things easy, we write the model name in the code name.

    3) <field name="prefix">RM/%(year)s/</field>

    Prefix is used to add any words  in front of sequence value.

    4) <field name="padding">4</field>

    padding is used to give a range of sequence numbers like 4 digit , 5 digit etc.

    After this thing , add a field in the model in which we want to create sequence value.

    For example,

    number = fields.Char(string=“Number”,default=“New”,readonly=True)

    Now add this field in the xml file of that model

    This thing we have to add in the sheet and above the group.

     <div class="oe_title">

              <field name="number" style="font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;"/>


    After this , we have to make the create method  into the model in which we want to make sequence values.

    .py file


         def create(self,vals):

            vals['number']=self.env['ir.sequence'].sudo().next_by_code('') or 'New'

             res = super(Menu,self).create(vals)

             return res 

    Here we have to write the model name is ir.sequence and give the code name that we write in the sequence.xml file.

​       So By this method we can generate the sequence value.

    For more info , refer to the restaurant module. And the menu model of  this module.

Odoo DEV February 1, 2024
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