How to use float_time widget in odoo

Hello Odooers & Developers!

Welcome to our Odoo technical article, where I’ll be discussing how to use the float_time widget in Odoo. Odoo provides various widgets to enhance the usability and display of fields in views, and one such useful widget is float_time.

  • In this blog, you’ll learn:
    • What the float_time widget is and when to use it
    •  How to define a float field for time representation
    •  How to apply the float_time widget in an XML view
    •  A practical example in a custom module

By the end of this blog, you'll have a clear understanding of how to use float_time to display time values effectively in your Odoo forms.

What is the float_time Widget in Odoo?

The float_time widget is used to display time values in a more readable format in Odoo views. By default, Odoo stores time-related fields as float values representing hours. However, the float_time widget converts this float value into a human-readable time format (HH:MM).

For example:

  • A float value of 16.50 (hours) will be displayed as 16:30 (4:30 PM).
  • A float value of 9.75 will be displayed as 09:45 (9:45 AM).

This is particularly useful when working with business hours, shop closing times, employee shifts, or any feature involving time representation.

Defining a Float Field for Time in Python

Before using the float_time widget, you need to define a field of type Float in your Odoo model. Below is an example where we define a closing_time field for a shop in a Mall Management(custom) module.

Python Model (.py)


from odoo import models, fields
class Mall(models.Model):
    _name = ''
    _description = 'Shop'
    closing_time = fields.Float(string='Closing Time', help='Time in hours')


  • We define a Float field named closing_time to store the shop’s closing time in hours.
  • The value will be stored as a decimal (e.g., 18.75 for 18:45 or 6:45 PM).

Using the float_time Widget in XML View

Now, let's apply the float_time widget in the form view to ensure that users see the time in a readable HH:MM format.

XML Form View (.xml)


<record id="view_shop_form" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name"></field>
    <field name="model"></field>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
    <form string="Shop">
   <field name="name"/>
   <field name="floor"/>
   <field name="closing_time" widget="float_time"/>


  • The <field name="closing_time" widget="float_time"/> applies the float_time widget.
  • This ensures that Odoo will convert the float value into HH:MM format in the form view.
  • Users can enter time in an easy-to-understand way rather than dealing with decimal values.


  • In this blog, we explored the float_time widget, which helps display float-based time values in a user-friendly HH:MM format.
  •  We covered:
    ✔ What float_time is and why it’s useful
    ✔ How to define a float field for time representation
    ✔ How to apply the float_time widget in an Odoo form view
    ✔ Practical implementation with a Custom Module example

By using the float_time widget, you can improve the usability of time-related fields in your Odoo modules.

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Odoo DEV February 13, 2025
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Understanding Related Field In Odoo