How to Create with_context() in Odoo

Hello odooers  & Developers, 

Its first odoo tips and tricks article, where I would like to share more knowledge about the Odoo with_context method 

as an odoo developer, knowing the fundamentals of with_context method behaviour, its Syntax, and how we can use the with_context () method is essential.  

Explore with_context () Method :-

with_context() method in Odoo allows you to temporarily modify the context for a specific ORM operation. The context is a dictionary containing key-value pairs that can influence various aspects of Odoo behavior, such as user permissions, date/time formats, or search filters.

Use of with_context () Method: -

After referencing the model (self.env['model_name']), you call with_context() to create a new context with the desired modifications. 

You can nest with_context() calls to create temporary context overrides within multiple levels of your code, but be cautious of excessive nesting that can make code difficult to follow.

with_context () Method usage and Syntax:-


current_user = self.env.user
active_invoices = current_user.env['account.invoice'].with_context(context={'search_default_filter': 'active'}).search([])

# Now, 'active_invoices' will contain only active invoices accessible by the current user.

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Thanks, & Stay tuned for the following odoo tips soon...

Odoo DEV October 29, 2024
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